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Comparison is the enemy of your success 😱

“Personality begins where comparison leaves off”
– Shannon L. Alder

How many times have you compared yourself to another person?

We all do it, every single day of our lives. Most of the time, we’re not even aware we’re doing it.

There always seems to be somebody else doing it better. Maybe you see them thriving where you struggle, and you start doubting yourself.

The friend who always gets lucky breaks. The business partner who has better ideas than you. A competitor who constantly stays one step ahead of you. Life is full of people who seem to be succeeding faster than you are.

Does comparison help your business thrive?

Some might argue that you need to see what the competition is up to. By comparing what they’re doing against what you’re doing, you can match up.

That’s fair, sure. But does it actually help you to succeed?

I would counter that it doesn’t. A comparison could actually be holding you back.

Comparison is simply trying to adjust yourself to a competitor’s standards so that you measure up. But by focusing on their success, you’re already preventing yours.

When you get stuck in the comparison trap, you’re limiting yourself to other people’s goals and forgetting your own.

Once you get stuck in that trap, you’re no longer unique. That’s what kills your progress.

If you compare yourself to everybody else around you, you’re never going to reach your own amazing potential.

That competitor who seems to be doing all the right things hasn’t latched on to some magical formula. There’s no secret ten-step program to instant success that they’ve discovered. They’re simply offering a unique experience that resonates with their customers.

You have something unique to offer too. Authenticity.

This doesn’t need to be rocket science either. You don’t need to overthink this. Just let your unique personality shine through in your business. Find something that resonates with your audience, and you’ll stand out to them.

Forget what your competitors are doing and focus on what you have to offer to your customer base.

If you spend your time copying the competition, then it will be competition forever.

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