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Why do you do what you do?

"What is your why?"

When it comes to your business, this might sound like an easy question to answer, but there’s a lot more to it than we think. You might find yourself thinking about it a lot more after you read this email.

I was talking about my business with a friend one day, happily chatting away about the ins and outs of the industry. Out of the blue, they asked me “Why do you do what you do”?

Without hesitation, I proudly stated “To help people, of course” 

It sounds like a perfectly authentic and honest answer, doesn’t it? I thought so too. My friend, however, was less than satisfied with my reply. They gave me a look that suggested my answer was somewhat lacking. And it really got me thinking.

I started to scratch the surface of my answer and quickly found the flaws.

Of course, I wanted to help people, but what good business owner doesn’t? Everywhere you look, brands are jostling to help you, to solve your problems and to be the one you remember the next time you’re in need.

My why might have been a noble one, but it certainly wasn’t a unique one. It revealed nothing about me, the human behind my business name. I realised that I was missing an opportunity to really connect with my clients.

I started to question my why. I asked myself why my why was my why. (Don’t try to say that out loud). I asked myself why do I want to help people? Why did that drive me to start my business? Why does helping inspire me?

It was like a light bulb came on in my mind. A piercing glow illuminated from my ears.

I realised that helping people was not my why. It was my mission. My why was what drove that mission.

So, what did my why end up being?

My why is that I love seeing other people succeed at what they do. That is what brings me joy. It’s what fuels me to fulfil my purpose to help.

I immediately emailed my friend with my new answer and got a simple reply consisting of two words. “That’s better”

Now it’s your turn.

What is your why? I’d love to know.

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