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How Your Website Colors Affect Your Customer?

How Your Website Colors Affect Your Customer?

December 22, 2021
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The color concept that should be applied to website colors is the same as the color concept used in marketing. Color has the effect of enhancing selling points and influencing consumer decisions. That's why many brands have iconic colors that have remained in the minds of many people.

Experts have studied and debated the relationship between color and consumer behavior extensively. Color psychology is a term used to describe the impact of color on humans in marketing. The term color psychology refers to the changes in human psychological patterns that occur when different colors are viewed. Some colors, for example, evoke feelings of calm, while others induce feelings of aggression.

Color Psychology in McD’s Logo

To illustrate, consider the color sample in the McDonald's logo. The red background and yellow icon immediately identify this brand. The color red is thought to be associated with hunger. Red stimulates the desire to eat (makes you hungry), and red attracts people who have strong emotions. Yellow conveys feelings of warmth, happiness, and friendliness.

Several studies indicate that color can influence human psychology to act or not act. When people see the McD logo, they immediately think of the iconic fast-food restaurant.

The Importance of Color Psychology for Brand Marketing

Indeed, there is no specific certainty regarding the effect of color on human psychology. Only a couple of recent studies have confirmed the potential psychological effects of color. According to the results of this study, the phenomenon of behavior change caused by specific colors can occur due to preferences, environment, education, socio-cultural, and other more complex contexts.

We do not, however, deny that many marketing strategies follow a color psychology approach. This method has produced impressive results. In the same sense, the right website colors can boost online sales conversions.

According to various studies and journals, color causes people to be impulsive. Humans are driven to do things that no one has ever done before. This aspect is then enhanced to improve the marketing process.

How does Color Affect Consumers?

Colors evoke memories for some people. Green, for example, conjures up images of cool and fresh things. Color acts as a manifestation of human memory, so when used correctly, people who like the condition can relate to the brand.

Color elicits a specific reaction. People may become more aware of the situation if they see it in black and red. These colors’ power can even persuade people to appear bolder and more confident (two colors commonly used to neutralize and strengthen the brand through website colors). Black, on the other hand, seems neutral and makes people feel calmer.

Color helps people connect with their masculine or feminine sides. This is a common preference. We all know that pink and purple are more feminine, whereas yellow and blue are more masculine.

This description does not cover all of the commonly used points to help with sales, marketing, and promotion.   However, keep in mind that the color psychology approach to brand marketing has proven highly profitable in history. If you intend to use color schemes on your website, ensure that the colors you pick match the brand.

Choose The Perfect Color for Your Website Appeal

Let's dive a little deeper into color psychology. It's now time to choose the right website colors for you. You can certainly expect your sales to increase by optimizing the colors on your website.

1. Red

It's a vibrant and eye-catching color. The color red is associated with strength, love, and compassion. Red is an excellent color to use if you need to show your passion.

2. Orange

It combines a bold and striking red with a friendly and fun yellow.  Therefore,  orange is suitable for dining and sporting events.

3. Yellow

Yellow is associated with good fortune. Yellow is the color to wear to show your spirit and confidence.

4. Green

It represents harmony and balance. Thus, green indicates a healthy balance of logic and emotion. Green is typically associated with peace and tranquillity. Starbucks is a well-known brand that utilizes green. Starbucks sincerely hopes that when customers consume their products, they will appear calm and relaxed.

5. Blue

Blue, like red, has strong color characteristics. Blue, on the other hand, tends to instill calm and self-assurance in people. Blue is frequently used in male products such as perfumes.

6. Lavender

It represents lavishness. That's why some luxury brands frequently use purple to demonstrate their luxury. Furthermore, purple is known as the color of the spiritual side.

7. Pink

It is associated with the feminine. Pink is commonly used in feminine products to emphasize the product's feminine side.

8. Black

It has a serious, enigmatic, and elegant persona. Black can represent a sophisticated and sleek side, which is suitable for almost every brand.

9. White

It demonstrates the side of peace, purity, purity, and simplicity. In general, white is commonly used on health product websites.

There is still so much to explore. Learn more about your brand so that website colors based on the mentioned color psychological cues will be effective for your visitors.


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