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Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Steps to Effective Scheduling

Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Steps to Effective Scheduling

December 2, 2021
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Time is an essential resource that is impossible to be purchased when it comes to running a business. However, many often waste it or even do not use it efficiently. That is where scheduling is required.

Efficient Scheduling to Avoid Overwhelm

Creating an effective schedule is essential to ensure every goal and priority can be achieved in the available time. When done correctly, it benefits in many ways, including identifying what you can do in a reasonable amount of time.

So, how to set an effective schedule? Below are the steps you can follow to build a plan that can allow you to manage your time more efficiently.

Declutter Your Workspace

When you feel unproductive at work, yet you are unsure what makes you think, look no further than your workspace. There is an old saying that goes, “a cluttered space is a cluttered mind.”

By minimizing visual distractions, you can focus on your current work and be more productive.  If you are stumped on how to start organizing your workspace, you're in good company.

You can start by identifying the items you utilize regularly and put them within easy reach. Everything else should be placed in a drawer, thrown away, or put in another space of your cubicle.

The next step is to free your desk from a pile of unnecessary paper. Once you finished getting rid of needless objects, give your workspace a professional cleaning. If you have successfully done this, scheduling priorities will be much more manageable.

Set Your Tasks at the Beginning of the Week

Weekends are the moments where you should catch up on sleep, recharge your energy, and spend some quality time with family and friends. Bearing that in mind, you might like to consider starting your weekday early before your batteries run out.

That is the reasoning behind one tip to being a productive individual: Each week, set your most critical tasks for Monday and Tuesday.

Spend less time fretting about the amount of time you will need to complete each time. Instead, spend more time to front-load your plan by scheduling the essential tasks in your agenda along with deadlines first thing at the beginning of the week and day.

For instance, Tuesday afternoon is the right time to schedule projects due on Friday. That way, the number of your to-do things will drop by Friday evening.

Group Small Tasks Together

Aside from your primary tasks that need to be completed first, you still have some small responsibilities at your disposal that are no less crucial. While these tasks are not as urgent as other essential activities, you will be surprised by how much time you will need to finish each of those little tasks if you’re not organized.

To tackle this issue, try to list down all the minor chores that can be completed in bulk. If it's possible, considering setting aside time during the week to finish those tasks only. That way, you can be more focused on larger projects without being distracted by such minor activities.

Alternatively, you can complete your small tasks in-between rather than schedule specific days only to do the said activities. Identify which minor activities are ideal for a short amount of time.

Identify Distractions

With so many projects to be completed, appointments to attend, emails, calls, phone notifications, and countless other distracting things, it might be tedious to remain focus and complete critical tasks regularly.

Distractions are the culprits that ruin your schedule, lower your energy and productivity levels. The only way to tackle them is by identifying which activities or items that distract you.

For example, you tend to look at your smartphone every single minute. What’s the solution? Turn off your smartphone and put it out of reach.

It would be best if you also considered closing all the tabs, including email. Don't check your email first thing in the morning, as it might hinder you from completing the significant priorities. Consider scheduling a particular time of the day to only check email.

Be More Efficient With Your Energy

You may have already organized a detailed schedule for next week. Still, it's not uncommon for you to feel as though you don't have the energy to even just wake up from your slumber on Monday morning.

That's because you don't build a schedule as per your internal rhythms. Some people tend to be more active at night, while others during the day.

Setting your phone to buzz every hour is beneficial for figuring out when your energy state is at its highest. Also, please keep track of what you are doing, your energy level, and any factors that may have influenced it.

At the end of a week, evaluate your notes to know your patterns and schedule your weekly plan based on this result. Adjust yourself accordingly to avoid being a slave to your energy levels and make your schedule more effective.




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